Rabu, 27 Oktober 2010

Sarah Azhari Foto Bikini

Sarah Azhari Artis Indonesia sudah terkenal akan aksinya di dunia entertainment. Seperti kakaknya, Sarah Azhari sudah dikenal publik suka berpose panas bahkan bugil. Berikut foto bugil terbaru Sarah Azhari :
Sarah Azhari Foto Bugil

Rahma Azhari Hot Picture

 Rahma Azhari in Bikini

The Sexy Rahma Azhari with Bikini

Jakarta , RETURNS artist picture Rahma Azhari spread over in internet. Non a naked photograph, but pictures showing middle Rahma posed for hot with US man.
There is seven photographs circulating in internet. The seven photographs consisted of to be assorted of style. At first photograph for example, Rahma seen will smooch with a woman. In the next photograph, mother a the chlid is embraced by two mans. First man having US face. An other man which seems to have having age more than 40 years seems to embrace the section artist from other side. Rahma also seen amicable bergelayut to him. In third photograph, pose Rahma really hot. He embraced from behind by a man which the face enough lookers.
Four photographs remained, only shows middle Rahma posed for with its(the sister Sarah Azhari. Rahma seen middle of party, synchronized of clothes leopard.
Comments Rahma about the section photographs is represented the power of attorney Secarpiandy. Lawyer is having moustache that assumes man who is propagating the photographs to internet means kills the client character.
" Possibly a character murder, so that our client avoiding by people," he said when contacted by Tuesday ( 22/1). Secarpiandy also refuses taking a gamble on is two mans is posing for with Rahma, be father from child of the client. Like known, former husband Rahma, Rauf lays open if wife sued by it to divorce that is pregnant from a man of America.

Ayu Anjani Sexy Girls Indonesia Bikini

Foto Seksi Ayu Anjani

Ayu Anjani was born in Bandung on 11 December 1990 is the end of his career in 2004 after championing the deal with a case of selecting a model magazine. Ayu Anjani akting exploration and play with the world in the episode CINTA SMU soap opera RAPI Films production. However, Ayu decided to vacuum for while from the world of entertainment for the school.

Ayu Anjani telanjang

Many companies only work with you if you have an agent. Also, many organizations require the use of their own photographers or at least maintain their own format to make their final impressions. ModelScouts, Newfaces and FashionGates all have online resources to help you find a local agency which is good for you.

Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

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Many people despise the work as SPG. Even-mindedness that is also positive, basically still undervalue the profession this one. But in reality, especially in some companies, the spearhead of company yah already clear, no longer far away, so of course the SPG this.

Looks interesting, friendly, and efforts to say hi with all, especially the profile is the target market their products often disalah artikan at all. Who says try, our nation is a friendly nation. Lha, still like wong kagetan so. So there is a sweet, sweet-hearted beramah ria, which appears even piktor - aka dirty mind:)

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Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010

What Makes a French Woman So Sexy?

What is it about a French woman that makes her so sexy?
As a decadent domestic minx, with no small interest in being adored, I was curious to see if the answer could be found in two lipsticks and a lover? According to Helena Frith-Powell in her sharp and witty book, Two Lipsticks and a Lover, there is much more to indefinable French chic and alluring Gallic sexiness than the title suggests. Being smart, sexy and impossibly French requires effort and more than a little 'je ne sais quois.'

As Coco Chanel once said, “Elegance is refusal.” Elegance requires pencil-thin, smartly dressed restraint. It means saying no to the extra cheese, no to the croissant and a definite non, merci to that third glass of wine. (ouch!) Au revoir to the muffin top. Au revoir to the lush!
French woman see chic and vogue as paramount. Making an effort at all times and not skimping on the details is rule number one. Leaving the house, even to take out the rubbish, will always require lip-gloss. Exquisite and expensive matching underwear is 'de rigeur' and a bad hair day is simply out of the question.
As Frith-Powell points out, “If someone is badly dressed or looks shabby, the French will not take them seriously. Letting yourself go physically is seen as a sign that you cannot hold things together intellectually. The big thing is the souci de soi, or care for oneself, in every way. This means brains and looks; you can’t let yourself go and be intellectually rigorous. In other words, the French would rather forgive an extra-marital affair than a bad hair cut.”

Sarah Azhari telanjang and bugil
Sarah Azhari telanjang and bugil
If you want to be indefinably French and gorgeous it is vital to make time for yourself; visit the hairdresser, walk instead of drive, pamper your body potions, eat smaller portions, buy yourself a lipstick or two and entertain a lover on the side.

But style and sexiness come at a price. With so many elegant temptresses on the ground there is little time for friendship among the girls. According to Frith-Powell, French women are a typically jealous and suspicious lot. One reason they spend most of their time trying to look so good is to stop their girlfriends seducing their husbands. The term 'femme fatale' is a French one. Resisting their instincts and passions is not in the genetic makeup. As Vicomte de Valmont says in the book Dangerous Liaisons, “It is beyond my control.”

Sarah Azhari telanjang and bugil keliatan susu
Clandestine 'affaires' are commonplace. Illicit romance or 'les petites aventures', are an accepted part of French culture, a culture that has given women independence and freedom. As Frith-Powell observes, “If you cut a French woman in half, you will see the words 'liberte, egalite, fraternite' written throughout like a stick of rock. And of these the most important is liberte.”
The whole notion of freedom is deeply inscribed in the French psyche. Marrying and then misbehaving is seen as being free. For French women, sex and seduction are part of a repertoire that ensures her success and social standing. It is important that men adore them. Infidelity can be justified. If a woman is in love, anything is excusable. No one will condemn her; in fact, they are more likely to condemn unfulfilled love. Love and lust excuse any conduct.
Sacre bleu! Coco Chanel would no doubt agree. Elegance may be refusal but passion is an overwhelming “OUI, OUI, OUI.” The domestic minx says 'Oui' to French chic, 'Oui' to liberte, and 'Oui' to two lipsticks and a lover, although I must say two seems hardly enough…

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Rahma Azhari Foto Sexy Telanjang

Rahma Azhari is absolutely famous because of her sexy body and her "Foto Telanjang" and "Rahma Azhari foto bugil" have spread in the internet couple months ago. Rahma Azhari is one of the sexy artist in Indonesia. Many people have searching Rahma Azhari Foto Telanjang Indonesia in the internet nowadays.

Rahma Azhari Foto Telanjang Indonesia
Rahma Azhari Foto bugil Indonesia

Rahma Azhari Foto Telanjang Indonesia
Rahma Azhari Foto bugil Indonesia

Rahma Azhari is the youngest sister among the Azhari sexy family. Rahma Azhari old sister which Sarah Azhari and Ayu Azhari are already famous because of their "foto telanjang indonesia" and their "foto bugil artis indonesia" has spread out in the internet many years ago. So check this sexy pictures collection above. And you will find out that Rahma Azhari is the sexy beautiful artist indeed.

Senin, 11 Oktober 2010

Foto Bugil Mirip Sandra Dewi Di Laptop Ariel Benar Adanya

Media infotainment selebritis telah dihebohkan kembali dengan munculnya berita dari penyelidikan kasus ariel dimana diketemukannya foto bugil Sandra dewi dilaptopnya. Berita ini muncul di berbagai dunia maya bahwa telah beredar foto sandra dewi di laptop ariel. Sampai saat ini belum ada kejelasan resmi dari pihak sandra dewi terkait foto di laptop ariel. Kabar ini muncul seiring beredarnya video artis yang disebut-sebut terdapat 23 artis di dalam video ariel.

Rabu tanggal 21 Juli 2010, ujar dari Kombes Pol Marwoto Soeto, Kepala Bidang Penerangan Umum Mabes Polri di Mabes Polri, "Kalau soal itu nggak mau kasih informasi. Kalau pun memang benar, saya nggak akan ngomong". Saat ini hardisk ariel paterpant baru dilakukan pemeriksaan file-file yang telah di delete, karena dicurigai kalau bukti-bukti tentang kasus video pornografi ariel banyak yang sudah dihapus atau di delete.

Beredarnya Foto bugil mirip Tina Talisa di FaceBook

sekarang baru lagi setelah adanya berita menghebohkan disekitaran artis (video ariel dan luna maya), sekarang dunia selebritis mulai dihebohkan lagi dengan beredarnya foto bugil mirip presenter TVOne yang beredar di Facebook yaitu Tina Talisa. Foto wanita mirip Tina itu sedang berpose tiduran di atas tempat tidur. Jumlah foto bugil tersebut samapai 6 buah foto syur mirip Tina Talisa tersebut.

Saat ini baru diselidiksi siapa yang menyebarkan foto2 tersebut lewat situs jariangan social facebook.ada beberapa nama yang telah terindentifikasi tapi belum bisa dipastikan bahwa nama2 tersebut merupakan tersangka penyebarana ataupun pembuatan foto editan mirip Tina Talisa

Enno Lerian berbikini sexy aduhhai

Enno Lerian umur 26 tahun mantan penyanyi cilik ini sedang membintangi Di salah satu adegan 'Selimut Berdarah', Enno bersama bintang Korea, Han Song-Ho. Diperannya dia tampil sexy dengan hanya balutan berbikini. Benar-benar sudah menginjak dewasa mantan penyanyi cilik ini dengan body yang aduhhai berlarian di pasir pantai.hehhee

Sabtu, 02 Oktober 2010

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